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    Family Job Jar 2.2 - Author Info Page

    Description: Take the hassle out of assigning household chores... (more)

    Author Info for Family Job Jar 2.2

    Author/Company Name: FamTec Software

    Country: USA

    Web Site: http://famtecsoftware.com

    Programs listed: 5

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    Family Funds Tracker Pro iconFamily Funds Tracker Pro 3.0   (Downloads: 197)
    Easily track your income, expenses and savings or investments By knowing where your money is coming from and going to you can easily construct a budget from the information you provide. Track income, expenses and savings. Sort expenses by category and type. You may be surprised to find that you are wasting money needlessly. Average category spending by day, week, month and year. View colored graphs of activities. Print reports and graphs. Use predefined reports or create your own. Includes features such as closing out a ye...

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    Easy financial tracking and reporting for both business and or personal use. Easily track financial transactions for business and or personal use. Track tax deductible expenses. Unlimited user defined categories and sub-categories. Choose from several pre-defined reports or create your own. Grid printing. Analyze your data with ease. View and print charts. Easy to use short-cuts. Export data to csv and excel formats for use in other programs. Frequently used notes templates. Recurring items feature....

    Family Funds Tracker iconFamily Funds Tracker 2.2   (Downloads: 172)
    Easy to use income, expense and investment tracking. Print reports and charts. Easy to use income, expense and investment tracking. Easily create a budget with the figures you record. Find out what you spend by category daily, weekly, monthly and annually with the expense averages feature. Choice of six reports to view and or print. Filter by date or any of the category entries. Easy to use short-cuts Table tools include optimize, repair, and empty. Easy data backup. Close the year feature....

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