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    C: \ Audio & Multimedia \ Music Composers \ Notation Composer 2.6.3 \ Author

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    Notation Composer 2.6.3 - Author Info Page

    Description: Easily customize your own sheet music and its playback... (more)

    Author Info for Notation Composer 2.6.3

    Author/Company Name: Notation Software, Inc.

    Country: United States of America

    Web Site: http://www.notation.com

    Programs listed: 2

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    Notation Musician iconNotation Musician 2.6.3   (Downloads: 841)
    Find music easily on the Internet and create interactive, printable sheet music. Notation Musician is an invaluable tool for any musician who reads musical notation or wishes he could. Follow the notes on your screen as you listen to your favorite music, whether a song or a symphony. Musician is an eye-opening study aid, a source of accurate sheet music, an untiring accompanist, and an excellent practice tool.

    Enhance your enjoyment and understanding of music by watching the notes on your computer screen as you listen. Download musi...

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