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    C: \ Business \ Office Suites & Tools \ Excel Print Multiple Files Software 7.0 \ Author

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    Excel Print Multiple Files Software 7.0 - Author Info Page

    Description: Print many MS Excel files without opening each one... (more)

    Author Info for Excel Print Multiple Files Software 7.0

    Author/Company Name: Sobolsoft

    Country: United States of America

    Web Site: http://www.sobolsoft.com/

    Programs listed: 155

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    MS SQL Server Append Two Tables Software iconMS SQL Server Append Two Tables Software 7.0   (Downloads: 216)
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    Search For Files That Do Not Contain Text Software iconSearch For Files That Do Not Contain Text Software 7.0   (Downloads: 284)
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    Vocab Test Study Software iconVocab Test Study Software 7.0   (Downloads: 324)
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    MS Access Append Two Tables Software iconMS Access Append Two Tables Software 7.0   (Downloads: 231)
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    Monitor Computer Usage Software iconMonitor Computer Usage Software 7.0   (Downloads: 267)
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    Excel Extract Data & Text Software iconExcel Extract Data & Text Software 7.0   (Downloads: 274)
    Extract cell text in one or more MS Excel files. This software offers a solution for users who want to extract cell text in one or more MS Excel files. To get this software to work, simply drag and drop the Excel files you would like to work with and click a button to begin extraction. There are features in the software to extract cell content by character or characters they do or do not contain. There are features to extract based on specific location such as A1 to B4. Finally, there is a feature to extract betwe...

    PostgreSQL Join Two Tables Software iconPostgreSQL Join Two Tables Software 7.0   (Downloads: 208)
    Horizontally merge two PostgreSQL tables into one. Horizontally merge two PostgreSQL tables into one by a common column (field) of data. The two tables are not changed, a new table is created with the results. Access 2000 or higher required....

    MS Word Business Plan For Startup Company Template iconMS Word Business Plan For Startup Company Template 7.0   (Downloads: 294)
    Create new business plan templates in MS Word. Word 2000 or higher required. This software offers a solution for individuals who want to begin their own business. Once business information is entered a twenty-eight page stock document is generated. This document includes ideas and exercises to help you formulate a successful financial plan. Prepare to do some research and math. This software will save you time by helping you identify and resolve important business questions, such as ?what is my financial plan?? Word 2000 or higher required....

    PostgreSQL Editor Software iconPostgreSQL Editor Software 7.0   (Downloads: 263)
    Make changes to the data found within PostgreSQL tables. Make changes to the data found within PostgreSQL tables....

    Excel Edit Formulas Software iconExcel Edit Formulas Software 7.0   (Downloads: 288)
    Change formulas in one or more MS Excel files. Excel 2000 or higher required. This software offers a solution for users who want to change formulas in multiple Excel files. The user can specify a list of files or an entire folder and then change formulas as needed. Excel 2000 or higher required....

    Contact Management Database Software iconContact Management Database Software 7.0   (Downloads: 293)
    Create a database for contacts. Sobolsoft presents a contact management database. Visually appealing, this software features three tabs per contact entry: General, Calls, and Additional Info. ?Calls?, unique to this software, allows you to track when calls were placed and to plan when calls will be made. You can then generate chronological reports of call history by summary or by detail. This software offers the core contact fields as well as shortcuts to simplify your planning....

    Excel Import Multiple Web Sites Software iconExcel Import Multiple Web Sites Software 7.0   (Downloads: 286)
    Import one or more web site(s) into a blank MS Excel file. This software offers a solution for users who want to import one or more Web Sites into a blank Excel file. There are options to load URLs from a file or a remote URL, to exclude files containing or not containing user specified characters. The sites can be imported into one sheet or individual sheets per site. Excel 2000 or higher required....

    Outlook Extract Contacts Software iconOutlook Extract Contacts Software 7.0   (Downloads: 267)
    Extract all contact information (name, address, phone, etc.) from Outlook. This software offers a solution for users who want to extract contact information (name, address, phone etc.) from Outlook and save the result as a text, comma delimited or Excel file. Check boxes allow user choice from a comprehensive list of contact details. Save results as text file, Excel file or copy the results to the clipboard. Outlook 2000 or higher required....

    Rename Multiple Folders At Once Software iconRename Multiple Folders At Once Software 7.0   (Downloads: 258)
    Change name of many folders and subfolders. Sobolsoft offers a unique folder management utility. Now you can change the names of many folders and subfolders at once. Simply add folders and choose your renaming method. You can: change case to upper, lower, proper (title) or sentence case; add character(s) to beginning, end, or inside of the folder name by position or by referencing surrounding character(s); remove and replace character(s); and remove alpha, numeric, alpha-numeric or non-alpha-numeric character...

    Delete Files From Windows Media Player Software iconDelete Files From Windows Media Player Software 7.0   (Downloads: 276)
    Delete video and audio files during playback. This software offers a solution for users who want to delete files from their computer while it is playing in Windows Media Player. There are options to delete to the Recycle Bin or only from the playlist and to add files to the playlist, play the next or previous track. This can be useful when organizing media in large collections and filtering out unwanted media files....

    Oracle Editor Software iconOracle Editor Software 7.0   (Downloads: 215)
    Make changes to the data found within an Oracle table. Make changes to the data found within an Oracle table....

    MS Word Resume Template Software iconMS Word Resume Template Software 7.0   (Downloads: 292)
    Create resume templates in MS Word. Word 2000 or higher required. This software offers a solution for job seekers who want to create a simple and attractive resume. Simply fill in the standard items and your information is automatically formatted in a visually appealing one page document. This software will save you time by suggesting which information to include and by organizing the form in a professional fashion. Word 2000 or higher required....

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