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    C: \ System Utilities \ File & Disk Management \ Search For Files That Do Not Contain Text Software 7.0 \ Author

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    Search For Files That Do Not Contain Text Software 7.0 - Author Info Page

    Description: Search for files that do not contain specified words or phrases within the file... (more)

    Author Info for Search For Files That Do Not Contain Text Software 7.0

    Author/Company Name: Sobolsoft

    Country: United States of America

    Web Site: http://www.sobolsoft.com/

    Programs listed: 155

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    MS Access Editor Software iconMS Access Editor Software 7.0   (Downloads: 225)
    Make changes to data found within MS Access tables. This software offers a solution to users who want to edit data within MS Access tables. There is a feature in the software to save tables as Text, Excel CSV, PDF or XML file. Access 2000 or higher required....

    MS Word Meeting Agenda Template Software iconMS Word Meeting Agenda Template Software 7.0   (Downloads: 344)
    Create meeting agenda templates in MS Word. Word 2000 or higher required. This software offers a solution for users who need to create a plan for any type of meeting. Use for clubs, councils, and organizations when time needs to be regulated. This software will save you administrative time by quickly formatting the important information you enter. All data in the Word document is easily edited to match revisions and updates. Use as a poster, handout, and checklist. Word 2000 or higher required....

    Excel Import Multiple Outlook Contacts & Emails So iconExcel Import Multiple Outlook Contacts & Emails So 7.0   (Downloads: 254)
    Import Outlook email and contact data to a blank MS Excel file. This software offers a solution for users who want to import Outlook Contact Details or e-mails into a blank excel sheet. The user can set filters to choose which data fields to import from the Inbox, Outbox or Contact Details. Excel 2000 or higher required....

    MS SQL Server Append Two Tables Software iconMS SQL Server Append Two Tables Software 7.0   (Downloads: 216)
    Vertically merge one MS SQL Server table into another. Vertically merge one MS SQL Server table into another. The tables can be located in the same MS SQL database or two different databases....

    MS Access Split Fields Software iconMS Access Split Fields Software 7.0   (Downloads: 228)
    Divide one field (column) into two or more in MS Access. This software offers a solution for users who want to divide one field (column) into two or more in MS Access. By specifying a splitting character or characters, the software splits the field as many times as that character or characters appear. For instance, a field containing Peter Sobol will be split into Peter|Sobol (where | indicates a new field) if the specified splitting character is a space. By instantly altering multiple records, this software will save you...

    Outlook Extract Email Addresses Software iconOutlook Extract Email Addresses Software 7.0   (Downloads: 241)
    Extract email addresses from an Outlook Inbox. Save results as text files. This software offers a solution for users who want to create contact lists from Outlook sent and received messages. Simply choose whether to work with Outlook, Outlook Express or a PST file. Email addresses are found from sent/received headers as well from the body of messages. Save a list with just a few clicks. Outlook 2000/Outlook Express 5.0 or higher required....

    Excel Convert Numbers To Text Software iconExcel Convert Numbers To Text Software 7.0   (Downloads: 247)
    Convert numbers or currency to words, in MS Excel ("7" becomes "seven"). This software offers a convenient solution for users who need to modify MS Excel spreadsheets to carry the names of numbers instead of numeric values. For example: 11 becomes ?Eleven,? and 22 becomes ?Twenty Two.? A feature of this software is the currency converter. For example, $1.23 becomes ?One Dollar and Twenty Three Cents.? Other currency types are supported. This software will save you hours of time by automatically translating number sets for you. Excel 2000...

    PNG File Size Reduce Software iconPNG File Size Reduce Software 7.0   (Downloads: 274)
    Compress file size of one or more PNG files. This software offers a solution for users who want to compress the file size of one or more PNG files. The user simply adds the required files or an entire folder before choosing the reduction. With this time saving software, large numbers of PNG files can be reduced in size with one click....

    Create Multiple Folders Software iconCreate Multiple Folders Software 7.0   (Downloads: 310)
    Create multiple folders or subfolders. This software offers a solution for users who want to create multiple folders or subfolders. To get this software to work, specify the one folder location in which to create the new folders, specify the folder prefix, and finally, specify the number of folders to create. After you click the start button, ech folder is created with a unique number (counter) attached to the end. An example of folders created with this software are: Folder 001, Folder 002, Folder 003, ...

    Excel Extract Data & Text Software iconExcel Extract Data & Text Software 7.0   (Downloads: 274)
    Extract cell text in one or more MS Excel files. This software offers a solution for users who want to extract cell text in one or more MS Excel files. To get this software to work, simply drag and drop the Excel files you would like to work with and click a button to begin extraction. There are features in the software to extract cell content by character or characters they do or do not contain. There are features to extract based on specific location such as A1 to B4. Finally, there is a feature to extract betwe...

    MS Access Extract Data & Text Software iconMS Access Extract Data & Text Software 7.0   (Downloads: 243)
    Extract entries in MS Access. This software offers a solution for users who want to extract user specified data from one or more MS Access databases. The user simply adds the database/s required and can choose to assign a password to selected databases. There is a button for extracting all fields or the user can choose to extract data based on the following: extract entire fields containing or not containing a user specified text string or to extract all data between two user-defined character s...

    Excel Insert Multiple Pictures Software iconExcel Insert Multiple Pictures Software 7.0   (Downloads: 227)
    Insert one or more image files into a new MS Excel file. This software offers a solution for users who need to insert one or more image files into a new MS Excel file. Formatting options insert all images into one sheet or insert one image per sheet. By batch processing many images, this software can save you time spent importing multiple files. Excel 2000 or higher required....

    Rename Multiple Folders At Once Software iconRename Multiple Folders At Once Software 7.0   (Downloads: 258)
    Change name of many folders and subfolders. Sobolsoft offers a unique folder management utility. Now you can change the names of many folders and subfolders at once. Simply add folders and choose your renaming method. You can: change case to upper, lower, proper (title) or sentence case; add character(s) to beginning, end, or inside of the folder name by position or by referencing surrounding character(s); remove and replace character(s); and remove alpha, numeric, alpha-numeric or non-alpha-numeric character...

    Oracle Editor Software iconOracle Editor Software 7.0   (Downloads: 215)
    Make changes to the data found within an Oracle table. Make changes to the data found within an Oracle table....

    Excel Import Multiple Web Sites Software iconExcel Import Multiple Web Sites Software 7.0   (Downloads: 286)
    Import one or more web site(s) into a blank MS Excel file. This software offers a solution for users who want to import one or more Web Sites into a blank Excel file. There are options to load URLs from a file or a remote URL, to exclude files containing or not containing user specified characters. The sites can be imported into one sheet or individual sheets per site. Excel 2000 or higher required....

    Find Unused Files Software iconFind Unused Files Software 7.0   (Downloads: 297)
    Search folders or drives for unused files. This software offers a solution for users who want to find unused files or folders and send them to the Recycle Bin or a specific folder. The user adds folder/s or a drive and chooses an option to find by: date accessed, date modified or date created. Then the cutoff date is chosen from drop down menus with the following options: after, before, on or between a selected date. There is another option for listing anything that has not been accessed within a user specif...

    Excel Remove Hyperlinks Software iconExcel Remove Hyperlinks Software 7.0   (Downloads: 282)
    Delete blue underlined links in Excel files. This simple utility will unlink all underlined, blue hyperlinks in one or more MS Excel files. The text will remain, but the hyperlink will be deleted. This software can save you hours by batch processing entire folders of Excel files simultaneously. Excel 2000 or higher required....

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