Other Shareware Releases in System Utilities - Other |
Office Product Key Finder 1.5.2 (2015-04-18) update
Office Product Key Finder recovers cd keys for MS Office 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013
Calculator (2010-10-24) update
Password Discovery 2.2 (2005-05-27) new
Password Discovery recovers lost or forgotten passwords.
pcfreesoft Glary Utilities PRO installer (2014-11-30) update
Top all-in-one utility to fix, speed up, maintain and protect your PC.
Funny Typing 1.6.53 (2008-11-06) new
A tiny utility to make PC keyboard and mouse play funny sound effect.
Keyboard Remapper 1.2.20 (2010-11-28) new
Easily change your keyboard behavior with Keyboard Remapper
Kvisoft Video Converter 2.0.0 (2012-08-10) new
Convert video between all popular formats and convert video to portable media pl
Watch Dog 2.0 (2006-04-14) new
Two Clock Alarms; Two Stop Watches; Four Count Down Timers; Note Reminder;
Comfort Lang Switcher 3.0 (2008-04-02) update
Discover how to control the language or layout when you are working with text
Shutdown Screensaver 2.0 (2010-04-29) update
Shutdown screensaver can power down, hibernate or restart your computer.
Hot Virtual Keyboard 7.1 (2011-11-15) update
Replace Windows On-Screen Keyboard with a modern alternative!
DupeWatcher 2.3 (2005-11-12) update
A profile based powerful and handy duplicate file finder for Windows.
MD5 Tool 1.5 (2008-05-25) new
Generating MD5 hash is now fun and easy with MD5 Tool. Just drag and drop!
Amigabit Privacy Cleaner (2013-04-28) new
Erase computer and Internet history, cookies, cache, and traces.
SIW - Technician's Version 2012.03.26 (2012-03-23) update
System Information for Windows - Everything you want to know about your computer
XPcop 1.0 (2006-01-06) new
Parental control utility with advanced system security & user administration
PromptPal 2.1 (2013-07-12) update
Eliminate the frustrations of the Command Prompt with a modern command line tool
RAR Fix Toolbox 1.1.15 (2013-05-31) update
This tool repairs WinRAR files on any PC without external services.
SoftDigi Smart USB 1.0 (2014-07-24) new
Smart USB provides reliable USB virus protection to keep your PC safe.
Lazesoft Recover My Password Unlimited 3.3.0 (2012-10-21) update
Windows password recovery software - Lazesoft Recover My Password Unlimited
pcfreesoft ccleaner installer 4.05.4115.42 (2014-11-30) new
ccleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool.
Latest softwaresplash Glary Utilities PRO installe (2013-11-09) new
Top all-in-one utility to fix, speed up, maintain and protect your PC.
Comfort Typing Lite 5.1 (2011-11-10) update
Snippets software with word autotext features
ORACLE Object Search 1.4 (2013-10-01) update
Professional tool that can be used for searching all database objects and Apex
KbdEdit 1.3.7 (2016-02-13) update
Keyboard Layout Editor for Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista (32, 64 bit)
Latest FTPClient (2014-11-09) new
Windows FTP, SFTP client with explorer-like interface and many powerful features
MING Bandwidth Monitor PRO installer 2.2 (2014-05-09) new
What process in your PC is causing traffic, how much, and where it is going?
Latest Form Pilot Pro installer 2.57 (2014-11-09) new
Filling out any form (paper, PDF, DOC, XLS, TXT, etc.) with multi-page support.
Ashampoo UnInstaller 4.2.2 (2012-02-16) update
Improved Uninstaller and Windows Cleanup Toolbox
XP Home User Manager 2.3 (2010-10-05) update
User management tool for Win7/XP/Vista Home editions