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    C: \ System Utilities \ File & Disk Management \ FaxWatch 3.0 \ Author

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    FaxWatch 3.0 - Author Info Page

    Description: Monitor/Watch fax folder and convert fax to pdf tiff jpg jpeg automatically... (more)

    Author Info for FaxWatch 3.0

    Author/Company Name: sfaxtools studio

    Country: China

    Web Site: http://www.sfaxtools.com

    Programs listed: 5

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    Batch WinFax2TIFF iconBatch WinFax2TIFF 3.00.0903   (Downloads: 264)
    convert WinFax fxd fxm fxr fxs fax to tif tiff files in bacthes Batch WinFax2TIFF is a WinFax fxr fxs fxm fxd fax to tif tiff converter, able to convert WinFax fxd fxm fxr fxs fax to tif tiff files in batches. Both GUI and command line modes are supported. Able to keep converted tif tiff file date-time optionally. Create small tif tiff files by high compression mode. Auto-convertion is supported by converting winfax periodically.
    Batch WinFax2TIFF is small and easy to use: you select the source folder where winfax fxd fxm ...

    Smart FaxSee iconSmart FaxSee 2.20.908   (Downloads: 456)
    open view convert tiff fax fmf fxd fxm fxr fxs dcx bfx apf g3f g3n awd qfx raw.. Smart FaxSee is a smart professional fax viewer and fax to tif tiff converter, offers you a full solution to open view print ALL your G3 G4 fax images, and convert other fax to TIF TIFF format. Smart FaxSee supports many FAX file formats, such as:
    1) TIFF fax compressed by MH, MR, MMR, CCITT group 3, CCITT Group 4, PackBits, etc.
    2) FMF fax, by FaxWizard FaxMan.
    3) FXD FXS FXR FXM fax, by WinFax Pro.
    4) DCX black-white fax.
    5) QFX fax...

    awd2tif iconawd2tif 1.0.0903   (Downloads: 262)
    awd to tiff converter to convert awd fax to tiff images in batches awd2tif is AWD fax to tif tiff converter runs on Windows95/98/98se/me/2000/xp/2003, enables you to convert Microsoft at work document awd fax to tif tiff images in batches, so that you can open your awd fax with any tiff image viewer. As awd files are no longer supported and cannot be opened on Windows 2000/xp/2003, it is necessary to convert those awd files to tiff images. awd2tif can help you do the conversion easily and quickly.
    Use awd2tif to convert all ...

    Batch WinFax2PDF iconBatch WinFax2PDF 3.00.0903   (Downloads: 291)
    convert WinFax fxd fxm fxr fxs fax to pdf files in bacthes Batch WinFax2PDF is a WinFax fxr fxs fxm fxd fax to pdf converter, able to convert WinFax fxd fxm fxr fxs fax to pdf files in batches. Both GUI and command line modes are supported. Able to keep converted pdf file date-time optionally. Create small pdf files by high compression mode. No need of Adobe Acrobat. Auto-convertion is supported by converting winfax periodically.
    Batch WinFax2PDF is small and easy to use: you select the source folder where winfax fxd ...

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