Arm Whois 3.10 (Downloads: 483)
Arm Whois 3.10 lets you find any information for IP-addresses or domains Arm Whois 3.10 is an efficient utility, designed for network administrators and computer security professionals. Arm Whois provides correct and fast retrieval of all country information for an IP-address or hostname, allocated IP-address blocks and other network data details. Arm Whois is a real must-have tool not only for network and PC security professionals but also for real users. Arm Whois finds out who the owner of the domain is and when the domain was registe...
ZIP Pointer 2.0 (Downloads: 258)
Lookup American city by ZIP, postal code or name on a North American map Lookup USA and Canada towns by ZIP, postal code or name and show them on a North American map. This helps you to check customer information, verify postal addresses, and reduce credit card fraud. Using the program is simple. Just enter a ZIP Code, and the program gives you the matching city, state, latitude, and longitude....