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    C: \ Communications \ E-Mail Clients \ NetMail-Light 6.03 \ Author

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    NetMail-Light 6.03 - Author Info Page

    Description: Complete email/SMS solution for a local network, mobile access with POP3/SMTP.. (more)

    Author Info for NetMail-Light 6.03

    Author/Company Name: Shamrock Software GmbH

    Country: Germany

    Web Site: http://www.shamrock.de/

    Programs listed: 2

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    CapiFax iconCapiFax 5.02   (Downloads: 1649)
    Multi-channel ISDN-based fax server for networks with fax to mail CapiFax is an ISDN-based network fax solution for 2 to 60 connections at one time. Each ISDN MSN/DDI (local number) can be configured for one network client so each workstation has a private number. Terminal server clients are also supported. After installation, please see capifax$.htm for configuration details. (Shamrock also has ISDN PCI cards for 4, 8, 30, or 60 channels.) The fax software can be combined with CapiCall on the same PC to share the ISDN channels as...

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