Free download Notemagic Lite 2011.8.8.0
Ever wonder why such a wimpy text editor shipped with Windows?
Use a text editor with a lot more features than the wimpy text editor shipped with Windows!
Some NoteMagic Features
- Drag any file from File Manager, Explorer, WinZip, etc.and drop it into NoteMagic to edit it.
- Files can be dragged and dropped into any open workspace or into the minimized icon.
- Open any text file, edit it, then send it to whomever you wish as an email by clicking on the Send As Email button.
- Sent emails are BCC'ed back to you so you have a record of what you sent and to whom in your default email program.
- Text and Rich Text files can be imported into any open workspace and are placed in the open file at the cursor position.
- When .rtf files are imported they are converted to text files.
- Spell check your favorite text files with the built-in American English spell checker.
- Then, when you're ready to write that masterpiece in a language other than English, use the included British, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, German, French, or Moby English dictionaries that seamlessly integrate into NoteMagic.
- The spell checker also includes an English medical and legal dictionary.
- Automatically keeps track of the last eight text files opened. Reopen a text file with the click of a mouse button.
This can be turned on or off in Options.
- Favorite Files. Set a list of the text files you open all the time.
- Insert any ASCII character into a text document that the current chosen font supports. This allows for international characters to be used and stored in your text files.
Notemagic Lite 2011.8.8.0 system utilities, text/document editors software developed by Unicorn SystemZ. The license of this system utilities, text/document editors software is freeware, the price is 0.00, you can free download and get a free trial before you buy a license or registration. All Notemagic Lite 2011.8.8.0 download links are direct Notemagic Lite full download from Unicorn SystemZ site or their selected mirrors.
Keywords: notemagic, note, magic, replace, Windows, email, editing, editors, text editor, word, editor, Freeware, System Utilities, Text/Document Editors, Unicorn SystemZ, Notemagic Lite
Recent Changes: - input in password fields in registration screens are now shown as asterisks. - an old image was being shown in the registration screens (both lite and retail versions). This has been replaced with a new image. - the new image is now also displayed in Help | About... - maintenance release.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows