Subclassing ActiveX 1.0 - Author Info Page
Description: enables the subclassing of window forms, i.e. the execution of their messages.. (more)
Author Info for Subclassing ActiveX 1.0
Author/Company Name: Sensalgo Soft
Country: Germany
Web Site: http://www.sensalgo.com
Programs listed: 4
Other listings by this author |
SenCopy ActiveX 2.0 (Downloads: 508)
provides a licensing mechanism for shareware and gives out text of the author SenCopy protects programs and components, for example ActiveX, given out for shareware purposes by displaying a copyright message window. The window typically informs the user about the following: Who has developed the program / component, a limitation of liability, a forbade of distribution, that the program is a demo version until the appropriate key is entered. Besides informing the user the message window cripples the version, for the user has a little bit of ef...
NumberInput ActiveX 2.0 (Downloads: 368)
Improves the input of integer values within certain limits, that can be adjusted The control element allows the comfortable input of (long) integer values, whereby incorrect inputs by the user become impossible. It is freely adjustable in its size. The size of the represented control sub elements and the size of the displayed numbers adapt automatically. The input of the number can be made directly in the text field or indirectly by the two buttons. If one of the buttons is clicked, the number, that was typed in, becomes smaller or greater by on...
CarRent Access Application 2.0 (Downloads: 341)
The data base is used for car leasing, customer data and vehicle specifications. The CarRent database is an application for Car vendors that sell their cars by leasing contracts. It accompanies the work with customers and the calculation of costs and installments. The CarRent database provides the advantage to select the model type, version and equipment characteristics of a car. The customer himself can do this in an easy way. Further more the respective leasing installment is calculated by the application. This enables the possible customer to...