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    C: \ Business \ Office Suites & Tools \ American Legal and Business Forms 1.01 \ Author

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    American Legal and Business Forms 1.01 - Author Info Page

    Description: American Legal Forms Software - A WYSIWYG U.S Legal Forms Processor Software.. (more)

    Author Info for American Legal and Business Forms 1.01

    Author/Company Name: Advanced Information Technology Software

    Country: USA

    Web Site: http://www.legalformsoft.com

    Programs listed: 2

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    The  WYSIWYG Immigration Forms Processor iconThe WYSIWYG Immigration Forms Processor 2.00   (Downloads: 267)
    The WYSIWYG Immigration Forms Processor Software USA Immigration Software is simply the fastest and easiest way to fill out and print U.S Immigration-related forms. It?s easy to fill in a form. Just select a form on a list and it pops up a WYSIWYG form, fill it in and print it out. Official instruction pages for each form are included (where available) which explain form use, required evidence, where to submit, etc. Repeats basic data on each form, fast edit mode, multi-client and multi-copies, prints on standard ...

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