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    C: \ System Utilities \ Clipboard Tools \ Advanced Clipboard Utility (ACU) 1.3.2 \ Author

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    Advanced Clipboard Utility (ACU) 1.3.2 - Author Info Page

    Description: Save your time with ACU. Keep up to 16 clipboards. Hot-keys navigation... (more)

    Author Info for Advanced Clipboard Utility (ACU) 1.3.2

    Author/Company Name: DLAO Software

    Country: Not Established

    Web Site: http://www.dlao.com

    Programs listed: 3

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    Shutdown, reboot, logoff or hibernate your PC using modern GUI or command-line. DirectShutDown is a free, commercial-quality uitlity for easier ShutDown, Restart, Log Off, Lock, StandBy or Hibernate your PC.
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