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    C: \ Development \ C / C++ / C# \ SGP Baltie 4 C# 4.2 \ Author

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    SGP Baltie 4 C# 4.2 - Author Info Page

    Description: Modern scalable object-oriented educational programming teaching tool... (more)

    Author Info for SGP Baltie 4 C# 4.2

    Author/Company Name: SGP Systems

    Country: Czech Republic

    Web Site: http://www.sgpsys.com

    Programs listed: 2

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    Find three or more adjacent gems with same color and blow them up in 3D Gems is a simple but enjoyable game for relax. Just find groups of 3 or more same rotating gems. If you find an extra big group, you receive a bonus which can be used to delete one single gem to create a group. Sometimes a bomb appears and you can use it to discover new gems. By clicking the right mouse button you can see how many of the same gems the group contains. When there are no more groups the play is over....

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