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    C: \ System Utilities \ Printer \ Go2PDF 3.32 \ Author

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    Go2PDF 3.32 - Author Info Page

    Description: Instantly convert any document into high-quality PDF format with a simple click.. (more)

    Author Info for Go2PDF 3.32

    Author/Company Name: Wondersoft

    Country: France

    Web Site: http://www.go2pdf.com

    Programs listed: 11

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    PDF Previewer for Windows 10 iconPDF Previewer for Windows 10 1.02   (Downloads: 839)
    Preview PDF files and PDF documents on Windows 10 This freeware plug-in gives you PDF preview capabilities on the fly. Simply browse and click on any PDF document, and its content is shown in the Preview pane of Windows Explorer or in the Reading pane of Microsoft Outlook. The icon of PDF document is generated on the fly as per its content.

    Features include,

    Preview PDF document
    PDF document can be previewed in thumbnail when it is not opened via the PDF Preview Handler interface in ...

    Virtual PDF Printer iconVirtual PDF Printer 2.01   (Downloads: 239)
    Convert anything printable to high-quality PDF document by Virtual PDF Printer Virtual PDF Printer simplifies the process of creating PDF document on Microsoft Windows 32 bit and 64 bit. Usually PDF documents are created by specific PDF composer software. However, it might be time-consuming compared with the alternative approach, which creates PDF documents from other file formats.

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    Classic PDF Reader for Windows 10 iconClassic PDF Reader for Windows 10 1.01   (Downloads: 829)
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    The so...

    PDF Previewer for Windows 8 iconPDF Previewer for Windows 8 1.02   (Downloads: 370)
    Enable PC user to preview PDF document without opening it in Windows 8 Explorer. This freeware plug-in gives you PDF preview capabilities on the fly. Simply browse and click on any PDF document, and its content is shown in the Preview pane of Windows Explorer or in the Reading pane of Microsoft Outlook. The icon of a PDF document is generated on the fly according to the

    Features include,

    Preview PDF document
    PDF document can be previewed in thumbnail when it is not opened via the PDF Preview Handler interface in ...

    PDF Copy Paste iconPDF Copy Paste 1.01   (Downloads: 377)
    Crop out text and graphics from your PDF file and paste it to other applications PDF files are great for exchanging formatted files across platforms and between folks who don't use the same software. But sometimes we need to be able to take images or text out of a PDF file and use it in web pages, word processing documents, PowerPoint presentations, or in desktop publishing software.

    PDF Copy Paste software allows you crop out the text, picture, image, photo, chart, and other graphical elements from PDF files. Simply use your curso...

    PDF Writer for Windows Server 2012 iconPDF Writer for Windows Server 2012 1.01   (Downloads: 315)
    Server-based solution for deploying PDF creation ability across your company Handy and intuitive, PDF Server for Windows Server 2012 works seamlessly with most business applications. Through a familiar Print Dialog interface, you can convert existing documents to PDF. A detailed tutorial can guide you through all the functions and features at hand. Anyone looking for a solid PDF solution will find it in PDF Writer for Windows Server.

    The software installs as a virtual PDF print driver, which means users need only click the print...

    PDF Writer for Windows Server 2016 iconPDF Writer for Windows Server 2016 1.01   (Downloads: 800)
    Server-based solution for deploying PDF creation ability across your company Handy and intuitive, PDF Server for Windows Server 2016 works seamlessly with most business applications. Through a familiar Print Dialog interface, you can convert existing documents to PDF. A detailed tutorial can guide you through all the functions and features at hand. Anyone looking for a solid PDF solution will find it in PDF Writer for Windows Server 2016.

    The software installs as a virtual PDF print driver, which means users need only click the ...

    Wondersoft JPG to PDF Converter iconWondersoft JPG to PDF Converter 1.01   (Downloads: 262)
    Convert JPEG to PDF document in batch on Microsoft Windows free of charge JPG to PDF Converter is an efficient program to batch convert JPG to PDF document and convert JPEG to PDF files on Microsoft Windows. The software comes with a fast JPEG viewer that can preview and view JPG and JPEG images and pictures in full size. You can select the JPG and JPEG files that you want to convert to PDF by drag-and-drop, and specify the PDF page size. You can also define the page layout, for example, one picture per page, two pictures in one page, fou...

    PDF Writer for Windows 10 iconPDF Writer for Windows 10 1.01   (Downloads: 801)
    An alternative to Print as a pdf printer with more PDF features for Windows 10 As an alternative to Microsoft virtual PDF printer namely Print as a PDF, PDF Writer for Windows 10 allows to create high-quality, press-ready, full-featured, optionally encrypted PDF files on Microsoft Windows 10 for users who have a need to better their PDF creation in super compression, password protection, access restriction, font integration, document summary, automatic output, document resolution, page scaling, PDF version options, paper margin options, and mo...

    PDF Writer for Windows 8 iconPDF Writer for Windows 8 1.01   (Downloads: 311)
    Create PDF document that can be viewed in Microsoft Windows Reader, Adobe Reader PDF Writer for Windows 8 is a quick solution for creating high-quality, press-ready, full-featured, more secured PDF documents that can be e-mailed, published and viewed by any PDF reader such as Microsoft Windows 8 Reader, Adobe Reader X. A few simple clicks will convert almost any of your existing documents to a high quality PDF files.

    PDF Writer for Windows 8 installs itself as a virtual print driver. After a successful installation, a PDF Writer pri...

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