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Easy Sermon Organizer 1.2 (Downloads: 249)
Organize sermons and illustrations. Easy Sermon Organizer was designed to maintain a pastor's entire sermon collection. Add unlimited additional Bible references for each sermon. Include the series name, primary Book of the Bible, and translation. Enter and maintain illustrations, prayer list, and personal goals. Maintain your sermons, where they have been preached, classified by subject. We have also included a way to catalog illustrations too. And we have included a pray list....
Easy Sunday School Planner 7.0 (Downloads: 237)
A gift to all of the many teachers who teach Sunday School. The Easy Sunday School Planner is a gift from RCL Software to all of the many teachers who take of their time, in many cases hours, to prepare for a Bible study class. This program can be downloaded and used by all. We thank the Lord for giving us a talent that may contribute to the feeding and saving of souls. Each lesson consists of three primary sections; general lesson plan, individual teacher's lesson plan and class member maintenance. The general lesson plan c...
Visitation Manager 2.5 (Downloads: 215)
Schedule your staff visits to church members and maintain history of each visit. Every church family has members who are hospitalized, or homebound. Every member of the staff wants to be sure that person is visited in a timely manner. Sometimes coordinating these visits is not easy. RCL Software's program Visitation & Outreach was designed to fill this need. It is an inexpensive multi-user application to schedule and record all of the ministerial staff visits. Enter the person into the database as soon as the hospitalization of a church memb...
Media Library Manager 13.1 (Downloads: 203)
Media Library Manager is a complete system for a church's library ministry. Media Library Manager is a complete library system for a church's library ministry. This program will allow a church library to catalog all resources, connect to Library or Congress for quick data entry, maintain circulation, and track circulation history for the resource and the user. There is user level security, barcode scanning capabilities, plus much more. The main resource maintenance window default list is in accession number order. To access an existing reso...
Easy Church Membership 8.0 (Downloads: 207)
Easy Church Membership is to maintain a database of church families and members Easy Church Membership was designed to meet the needs of small churches. We have heard and read statistics claiming a great majority of churches have less than 100 members. One source claims less than 50. This program is to help these churches. Easy Church Membership is to maintain a database of church members, all tithes and giving, ministry membership, administrative committees, small group Bible study groups, and spiritual gifts. Tithes and offerings can be enter...
RCL Music Ministry 8.0 (Downloads: 227)
Manage your music ministry, songs, collections, ensemble, worship order, history The RCL Music Ministry program was inspired by First Baptist Church of Oneida, Oneida, Tennessee. This program was designed with the guidance of Pastor Brian Elliott, Minister of Music, at First Baptist of Oneida and Pastor Neal Johnson, Minister of Music, Nansemond River Baptist Church. A church can use this program to maintain all of the churches music, performance history and copyright obligations. In addition all choir members contact information and particip...
Easy Sunday School Administrator 3.4 (Downloads: 198)
The program to maintain Sunday School members, and member attendance history. All churches need a way to maintain attendance for their small group Bible studies, or Sunday School classes. Some are content to get the total attendance count from the individual teachers. But that bring up the question: Which members attended? And then there is the more important question: Who did not attend? How many Sunday School sessions has he/she missed. Easy Sunday School Administrator will help answer these questions using this Sunday School member attenda...
Faith 2.6 (Downloads: 212)
FAITH Sunday School ministry is used to maintain prospects and ministry members Document as much information as you need concerning each prospect and their family. Print out an informational data sheet for each prospect to use a reference and to maintain information. Print schedules for any date range. 3. Record the results of each visit to use as a reference for the next visit. Maintain information for each ministry member, and track attendance. Unlimited number of prospects. Track important dates for each prospect. Assign prospect to a team f...