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    C: \ Desktop \ Screen Savers: Seasonal \ Snow Day 122707 \ Author

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    Snow Day 122707 - Author Info Page

    Description: This winter screen saver rotates winter scenes as animated snowflakes move aroun.. (more)

    Author Info for Snow Day 122707

    Author/Company Name: Ken's Gift Shop

    Country: USA

    Web Site: http://www.saversbyk.com

    Programs listed: 134

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    Other listings by this author

    Spinning Hearts iconSpinning Hearts 012408   (Downloads: 233)
    Little hearts make up the back ground for this Valentine screen saver as bigger Little hearts make up the back ground for this Valentine screen saver as bigger hearts bounce around your screen and the message Happy Valentines Day scrolls across.
    The registered version plays music from two songs....

    Islands iconIslands 80809   (Downloads: 206)
    This screen saver rotates photos that were taken around Honolulu, Oahu, Anacapa This screen saver rotates photos that were taken around Honolulu, Oahu, Anacapa Island, Channel Islands, Carmel Bay and Waikiki Beach.

    This screen saver allows you to use the images as your wallpaper....

    New Year Celebration iconNew Year Celebration 122207   (Downloads: 235)
    Bring in the New Year with balloons and confetti as the music from Auld Lang Syn Bring in the New Year with balloons and confetti as the music from Auld Lang Syne plays (registered version only)....

    Hearts of Love iconHearts of Love 011408   (Downloads: 183)
    This Valentine screen saver has animated hearts that float around your screen an This Valentine screen saver has animated hearts that float around your screen and display various Valentine messages.
    The registered version plays music from two songs....

    Churches of Europe iconChurches of Europe 112908   (Downloads: 237)
    This screen saver rotates photos of Churches. This screen saver rotates photos of Churches.
    The Churches are located in Spain, England, France and Germany.
    The registered version plays music from two songs.
    The screen saver also allows you to use the images as your wallpaper....

    Happy Fathers Day iconHappy Fathers Day 010808   (Downloads: 263)
    This Fathers Day screen saver rotates the message Happy Fathers Day in different This Fathers Day screen saver rotates the message Happy Fathers Day in different styles and colors as animated hearts float around.
    The registered version plays music from two songs....

    Turkey iconTurkey 111410   (Downloads: 242)
    This Thanksgiving screen saver has a turkey that moves around your screen and a This Thanksgiving screen saver has a turkey that moves around your screen and a message that reads Happy Thanksgiving scrolling across, as leaves fall....

    Boo iconBoo 92708   (Downloads: 229)
    The leaves are falling and the wind is blowing in the Halloween screen saver. The leaves are falling and the wind is blowing in the Halloween screen saver.
    Screen saver shows a house with a ghost flying around it.
    Screen saver contains some sound effects....

    New Year Countdown iconNew Year Countdown 122307   (Downloads: 207)
    A clock counts down to 12 pm. and ends with a message saying Happy New Year as f This New Year screen saver contains three parts.
    Part 1: A clock counts down to 12 pm. and ends with a message saying Happy New Year as fireworks go off.
    Part 2: 5 American Flags wave to the music of America the Beautiful.
    Part 3: Confetti falls as the message Happy New Year is displayed and changes colors, from red to blue, while Auld Lang Syne plays.
    The music will only play once the screen saver has been registered....

    Leprechaun Dance iconLeprechaun Dance 020908   (Downloads: 213)
    This screen saver has a Leprechaun dancing along the bottom of your screen as sh This screen saver has a Leprechaun dancing along the bottom of your screen as shamrocks fall from the top.
    Music plays in the registered version....

    My Valentine iconMy Valentine 013008   (Downloads: 217)
    This Valentine screen saver has an animated heart in the center and a pen that w This Valentine screen saver has an animated heart in the center and a pen that writes out the message Will You Be My Valentine?
    There are cupids sitting on animated hearts that rotate around the screen as smaller hearts moving around your screen.
    The registered version plays music....

    Farmer Brown iconFarmer Brown 111010   (Downloads: 242)
    A gentle wind blows while farmer brown is busy doing his work and watching a squ A gentle wind blows while farmer brown is busy doing his work and watching a squirrel play in his front yard....

    Beautiful Mountains iconBeautiful Mountains 011108   (Downloads: 209)
    This screen saver rotates images of mountains that were made using a computer pr This screen saver rotates images of mountains that were made using a computer program.
    User options include: Able to change time each slide is shown, select which transitions you want and use slides as your wallpaper....

    Falling Leaves iconFalling Leaves 82610   (Downloads: 245)
    This screen saver has leaves falling as a man is trying rake them up along his This screen saver has leaves falling as a man is trying rake them up along his fence.
    Occasionally a gust of wind will come along and blow the leaves away....

    The Stork iconThe Stork 71809   (Downloads: 232)
    This screen saver has a stork flying across your screen as clouds float by. This screen saver has a stork flying across your screen as clouds float by....

    Watermelon iconWatermelon 122608   (Downloads: 214)
    You can enjoy your watermelon without all the mess with this juicy screen saver. You can enjoy your watermelon without all the mess with this juicy screen saver.
    This screen saver has slices of watermelon sliding down and moving around your screen....

    Mothers Day Card iconMothers Day Card 42408   (Downloads: 189)
    This Mothers Day screen saver shows children wishing Mom a Happy Mothers Day. This Mothers Day screen saver shows children wishing Mom a Happy Mothers Day.
    The message: Happy Mothers Day. We Love You. scrolls across your screen.
    The registered version plays music from three songs....

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