VLC Media Player Foot Pedal Utility 2009.10 (Downloads: 265)
Makes VLC Media Player compatible with a USB foot pedal for transcription VLC Media Player Foot Pedal allows VLC Media Player to be used as transcription software for transcription of all types of media files with full foot pedal support. To use the program, simply plug in your USB foot pedal, start VLC Media Player, open a supported media file and start transcribing. VLC Foot Pedal permits you to use your USB foot pedal to start, stop, rewind and fast forward while transcribing. Your purchase of VLC Foot Pedal software includes complete ...
VEC Infinity IN-USB-1 Foot Pedal Tester 2009.01 (Downloads: 300)
PCDictate.com USB Transcription Foot Pedal Testing Software PCDictate.com USB Foot Pedal Testing Software. Checks the operation of Infinity, VEC, Classy and Philips USB transcription foot pedals. Proper operation of the USB foot pedal is confirmed by pressing on one of the three pedals and observing the image on the main program window. When a pedal is pressed, the pedal is highlighted in red on the main program window confirming proper operation of the USB foot pedal. Each pedal can be tested independently....