Free download Auralia for Windows
Improve your playing by improving your ears! Auralia is comprehensive ear training software for beginners, students and professionals! Suitable for all ages, Auralia has thousands of questions, across 41 topics. Intervals, scales, chords, rhythm, melodic dictation, tuning, jazz progressions - they're all covered. Each topic has a carefully constructed sequence of levels, starting with basic concepts and gradually working up to the hardest examples. Use the interactive professor to guide you through the levels, or simply work at your own pace. Use your mouse to enter answers, tap in rhythms, sing intervals, plugin your MIDI keyboard; regardless of how you answer questions, Auralia will instantly mark your answer and provide meaningful feedback. Auralia is not just a drill program - each of the 41 topics has a set of detailed lessons to accompany it! These lessons explain concepts, display notated examples, and allow you to hear sample questions and answers. If you wish to be automatically guided through all the content that Auralia has to offer, use the new courses feature. This has been intelligently designed to provide pathways through all topics, drills, lessons and tests. There are courses for students of ALL ages and ability levels, including beginners! By customizing any Auralia's topics, you can tell Auralia exactly what you'd like to practice, focusing on areas of ear training that you're having the most trouble with. You can even load and save your own levels! Your scores are constantly recorded, allowing you review your results and print reports. If you are a teacher, you can group your students into classes, set tests and much much more! Track all your students, use your school network, and save yourself time with the unmatched administration features that Auralia offers.
Auralia for Windows education, other software developed by Rising Software. The license of this education, other software is demo, the price is 99.00, you can free download and get a free trial before you buy a license or registration. All Auralia for Windows download links are direct Auralia for Windows full download from Rising Software site or their selected mirrors.
Keywords: Ear Training, Music, Aural Training, Intervals, Chords, Rhythm, Melody, Pitch, Scales, Music Theory, Singing, Demo, Education, Other, Rising Software, Auralia for Windows
Recent Changes: Auralia 4 now has 'Courses', a feature that will intelligently guide you through all topics, lessons and tests - great for beginners and more advanced students. All of the 41 topics drills and lessons have been revised, with countless improvements to feedback, instructions and lesson examples.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: 512MB+ RAM, 200MB Hard Disk, 1024x768 Screen Res