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    C: \ System Utilities \ File & Disk Management \ Batch File Rename 5.0 \ Author

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    Batch File Rename 5.0 - Author Info Page

    Description: Rename multiple files using masks, search/replace, properties, hashes, exif tags.. (more)

    Author Info for Batch File Rename 5.0

    Author/Company Name: BinaryMark

    Country: Russian Federation

    Web Site: http://www.binarymark.com

    Programs listed: 11

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    Advanced File Finder iconAdvanced File Finder 5.0   (Downloads: 330)
    Find, copy, rename files with specific names, properties, text / binary content Generate file list of all files with specific name pattern, extension, properties and attributes, as well as text and binary content by recursively scanning specified directories and searching for matching files. All files can then be saved to file list; copied to a new location specified using either absolute or relative folder paths; or renamed. Program can use advanced wildcards, RegEx, and case sensitivity options when checking file names. You can specify file n...

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    Batch File Manager iconBatch File Manager 5.0   (Downloads: 294)
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    Batch Image Resizer iconBatch Image Resizer 4.1   (Downloads: 211)
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    Batch Hex Editor iconBatch Hex Editor 5.0   (Downloads: 365)
    Replace, insert, delete, hex-edit bytes and bits in multiple files Replace, insert, delete, copy, move, reverse, and otherwise modify bytes and bits in multiple files. Search and replace supports wildcard bytes and match selection. Perform bitwise operations on specified bytes with bitmasks and operators like NOT, AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, XNOR. Reverse order of specified bytes and bits. Compute MD5, SHA1, SHA2, RIPE-MD hashes and CRC checksums for whole files or specified bytes. Convert files to/from bin-hex and Base-64 formats. Co...

    Batch File Encoding Converter iconBatch File Encoding Converter 5.0   (Downloads: 356)
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    Process 1000s of files using multiple CPU cores in manual, automatic, scheduled, console modes, or direct...

    File Hash Generator iconFile Hash Generator 5.0   (Downloads: 310)
    Compute and save hashes and checksums for multiple files: MD5, SHA1, SHA2, CRC! Compute and save MD5, SHA1, SHA2, RIPEMD hashes and CRC16/32 checksums for multiple files! Calculate hashes and checksums for the whole file or just specified bytes. Insert hashes into files in text or binary form. Generate file list with hashes in specified format and save it to a file. Rename files and include hashes in file name.
    Process 1000s of files using multiple CPU cores in manual, automatic/continuous, triggered/scheduled, or console modes, or direct...

    Batch File Replace iconBatch File Replace 5.0   (Downloads: 468)
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    Batch Files iconBatch Files 5.0   (Downloads: 310)
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