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    C: \ Communications \ E-Mail List Management \ Outlook Email Extractor 2.2 \ Author

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    Outlook Email Extractor 2.2 - Author Info Page

    Description: Outlook Email Extractor is a software to extract email addreeses from Outlook... (more)

    Author Info for Outlook Email Extractor 2.2

    Author/Company Name: AlgoLogic IT Solutions

    Country: India

    Web Site: http://algologic.in/index.html

    Programs listed: 8

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    Web PDF Files Email Extractor iconWeb PDF Files Email Extractor 2.0   (Downloads: 1057)
    A website PDF searching and email extractor tool which search all pdf files recu Web PDF Files Email Extractor v2.0 is a software utility to extract email addresses from PDF files from website-internet. Web PDF Files Email Extractor v2.0 is a website PDF searching and email extractor tool which search all pdf files recursively in the given list of website urls and webpage links found in the urls. It skip all non required and blocked website urls from search to work much faster. It download all pdf files and extract all email addresses from all f...

    PDF File Email Extractor iconPDF File Email Extractor 2.1   (Downloads: 845)
    extract email addresses from many PDF Files and save into excel. PDF Email Address Extractor v2.1 is a software to extract email addresses from PDF files offline. PDF Email Extractor v2.1 software is a fast email addresses extractor and process many PDF files in single process. It works for all PDF files (any version). It allows you to add PDF files one by one or browse all PDF files from folders from your computer.

    PDF Email Address Extractor v2.1 does not required any other software to be installed to process PDF f...

    Website Email Address Extractor iconWebsite Email Address Extractor 1.1   (Downloads: 880)
    It is a powerful web email extractor software to extract email from websites Website Email Address Extractor v1.1 is a powerful web email extractor software to extract email addresses from website / URLS from internet. Website Email Extractor v1.1 extract email from website urls and all inner links found in the given url recursively. Web Email Extractor v1.1 allows you to add many websites to list for search email address from website. Website / urls can be added from .txt, .html, .csv, .xml files.

    Website Email Extractor v1.1 i...

    Outlook Email Extractor Pro iconOutlook Email Extractor Pro 4.0   (Downloads: 1111)
    Extract email addresses from Outlook and attachment files (.pdf, .doc, .xls etc) Outlook Email Extractor Pro v4.0 is a best software to extract email addresses from Outlook and attachment files (.pdf, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .csv, .txt) in Outlook emails. Outlook Email Extractor Pro v4.0 collects email addresses list from subject, mail body, cc, bcc, sender, recipients and attachment files of emails in Outlook. It extract email addresses and attachments from all emails and mail folders (Inbox, Sent Items, Outbox, Drafts, Deleted Items and other user f...

    Thunderbird Email Address Extractor iconThunderbird Email Address Extractor 2.0.7   (Downloads: 1014)
    Extract email addresses from sender,cc,bcc,body and subject of Thunderbird mails Collecting email addresses list from subject, mail body, cc, bcc, sender and recipients of Mozilla Thunderbird emails one by one is a huge time taking process. It may take lots of time even can take many days depending upon the number of emails in Thunderbird. Thunderbird Email Extractor v2.0.7 is a software to extract email addresses from Mozilla Thunderbird very quickly. It extracts email addresses from all configured mail accounts in Thunderbird from subject, mai...

    All File Email Extractor iconAll File Email Extractor 2.4   (Downloads: 1165)
    Extract email addresses from pdf, doc, excel, powerpoint and other document file All Files Email Extractor v2.4 is a software to extract email addresses from document files such as PDF files, Word (.doc / .docx), Excel (.xls / .xlsx), Power Point (.ppt / .pptx) files, RTF, XML, TXT, MSF, EML, CSV, DBX, WebPages and other document files from your computer offline.

    All File Email Extractor v2.4 works for all version of PDF, doc, xls and ppt files and can be processed thousand of files in single process. It does not required any other ...

    Batch File Renamer iconBatch File Renamer 2.4   (Downloads: 409)
    Batch File Renamer v2.4 is best bulk file rename software to rename bulk files i Batch File Renamer v2.4 is best bulk file rename software to rename bulk files in batch process. Batch File Renamer software rename thousand of files in single process by using lot of file renaming options.

    Batch File Renamer v2.4 software can remove, add, insert or replace any text in file name, change extension of file, file name can be upper case, lower case or title case, file name can be index ie. (file-name1.jpg, file-name2.jpg). Batch File Rename...

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