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    C: \ Education \ Languages \ English Irregular Verbs with Music 1.1 \ Author

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    English Irregular Verbs with Music 1.1 - Author Info Page

    Description: You'll remember the verbs as well as the lyrics of your favourite song!.. (more)

    Author Info for English Irregular Verbs with Music 1.1

    Author/Company Name: Filevskii Nikolai

    Country: Russian Federation

    Web Site: http://www.languages-with-music.com/

    Programs listed: 3

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    You'll remember words and phrases as well as the lyrics of your favourite song! Angliiskii pod muziku za dve nedeli (for native speakers of Russian) is a language teaching karaoke-program.
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    You'll remember words and phrases as well as the lyrics of your favourite song!

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    Russian Alphabet and letters at random iconRussian Alphabet and letters at random 1   (Downloads: 1024)
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    Karaoke type exercises guarantee 100% memorization!
    You'll remember the letters as well as the lyrics of your favourite song!

    Russian Alphabet with Music is the undoubtedly unique program that has set the letters to original musical compositions.

    We have set Russian to music!

    Now karaoke is not only great fun, but a powerful and natural way to remember wo...

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