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Latest Anti-Porn parental controls by: softwaresplash.com

A very powerful and effective Program to protect children from porn web.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 615
Size: 5431 K
Date: 2014-11-09
Keywords: Anti-Porn parental controls, porn filter, filter software, filtering software, parent controls
Anti-Porn parental controls by: pcfreesoft.com

A very powerful and effective Program to protect children from porn web.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 548
Size: 5431 K
Date: 2014-09-18
Keywords: Anti-Porn parental controls, porn filter, filter software, filtering software, parent controls
HomeGuard Professional 1.7.1 by: Veridium Software

Monitor and control every aspect of network computers use.
License: Demo, Price: $49.00 US
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Downloads: 424
Size: 6576 K
Date: 2013-05-25
Keywords: network monitor, remote monitor, parental controls, employee monitor, keylogger, website filter, Internet filter, website blocker, web blocker, program blocker, printer monitor, usb blocker, screen capture, activity monitor
HomeGuard Activity Monitor 1.7.1 by: Veridium Software

Advanced parental control and activity monitoring.
License: Demo, Price: $39.00 US
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Downloads: 657
Size: 5767 K
Date: 2013-05-09
Keywords: parental controls, porn filter, websites filter, keylogger, block websites, porn blocker, program blocker, net filter, gaming addiction, screenshots, file monitor, printer monitor, usb blocker
BarCode-ActiveX 5.92 by: RKD Software

Easily add barcode printing to your projects with this ActiveX control.
License: Shareware, Price: $179.00 US
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Downloads: 517
Size: 1118 K
Date: 2012-08-27
Keywords: barcode, activex, ocx, controlsoftware, steuerelement, printing, bar, code, ean, ean13, ean8, UPC-A, UPC-E, code128, ean128, interleaved 2 of 5, codabar, internet, datamatrix, code39, code93, msi, upc, upca, upce, codabar, msi, ean2, ean5, word, excel, office, delphi, IIS
Chaper one Pro Tool 10 by: phishing.ws

Parental control software for home and office, Free Dowload!
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 341
Size: 640 K
Date: 2012-05-17
Keywords: Free, parental controls, software, internet filters, pc chaperone, aol instant messenger, aol parental controls, aim parental controls, aim, msn instant messenger, msn parental controls, yahoo instant messenger, yahoo parental controls
vbSkinner Pro 2.5 by: visual - basic .com.ar

ActiveX control that makes skins in VB forms with new titlebar and rounded look
License: Shareware, Price: $70.00 US
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Downloads: 458
Size: 1560 K
Date: 2012-04-30
Keywords: skin, visual, basic, forms, controls, skinning, skinned, shape, transparency, activex, control, 6.0, 6, programming, active, x, vb, vb6, look, feel, form, ocx, component, components, custom, customize
Standard Software Icons 2012.1 by: iconempire.de

A large set of eye-caching software-related icons made by professional artists.
License: Demo, Price: $99.95 US
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Downloads: 277
Size: 9219 K
Date: 2012-03-11
Keywords: icon, icons, icon set, development, software, program, general, controls, actions, application, windows, windows icons, navigate, interface, navigation
AllowBlock 2.13 by: Ashkon Technology LLC

Parental control content filter type software. Block or allow selected websites.
License: Shareware, Price: $39.95 US
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Downloads: 314
Size: 1177 K
Date: 2012-03-01
Keywords: parental control, parental controls, parental control software, block website, block websites, parental, internet parental control, child safety, internet filter, internet filters, internet safety, parental software, safe internet, content filter, internet block
WebAllow 3.22 by: Ashkon Technology LLC

Allow only selected websites to be visited in IE browser, block everything else.
License: Shareware, Price: $29.95 US
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Downloads: 403
Size: 1093 K
Date: 2012-03-01
Keywords: block URL, block website, parental control, safe internet, block site, URL filter, filter web content, Internet Explorer filter, safe internet, kids safe browsing, safe browsing, website blocker, kiosk, internet kiosk, parental controls, block sites, ie filter