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BarCode-ActiveX 5.92 by: RKD Software

Easily add barcode printing to your projects with this ActiveX control.
License: Shareware, Price: $179.00 US
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Downloads: 517
Size: 1118 K
Date: 2012-08-27
Keywords: barcode, activex, ocx, controlsoftware, steuerelement, printing, bar, code, ean, ean13, ean8, UPC-A, UPC-E, code128, ean128, interleaved 2 of 5, codabar, internet, datamatrix, code39, code93, msi, upc, upca, upce, codabar, msi, ean2, ean5, word, excel, office, delphi, IIS
Bytescout BarCode Generator SDK 2.20.389 by: ByteScout

Generate barcodes, display and save 1D and 2D barcodes with .NET and ActiveX SDK
License: Shareware, Price: $495.00 US
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Downloads: 551
Size: 26107 K
Date: 2012-05-04
Keywords: generate barcodes, barcode generator, bytescout, barcode, bar code, codebar, image, sdk, .net, visual basic, c#, asp.net, Codabar, Code39, I2of5, Code93, Code128, EAN13, JAN13, Bookland, UPCA, UPCE, EAN8, Postnet, PDF417, PDF417 Truncated, activex
CheckPrixa UPC Generator 1.0 by: micre13b.com

Create UPC / EAN retail barcodes for your products.
License: Demo, Price: $59.00 US
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Downloads: 237
Size: 345 K
Date: 2011-10-30
Keywords: upc generator, upc barcode generator, ean generator, upc barcode, ean barcode, retail barcode, barcode generator, upca, upce, ean8, ean13
Barcode Reader SDK 4.2.23 by: DTK Software

DTK Barcode Reader SDK reads barcodes from image files and bitmaps.
License: Demo, Price: $390.00 US
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Downloads: 478
Size: 9273 K
Date: 2011-03-28
Keywords: Barcode, recognition, SDK, software, toolkit, Code39, Code93, Code128, 2 of 5, PDF417, DATAMATRIX, QR, PostNet, RM4SCC, EAN13, EAN8, UPCA, UPCE, TIF, JPG, PNG, BMP, PDF
VIBar 2.0 by: Valeri Vlassov

Barcode generator (39, 93, 128, Ean13, I2to5)
License: Demo, Price: $19.00 US
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Downloads: 354
Size: 4661 K
Date: 2010-03-09
Keywords: barcode, print, preview, 39, 93, 128, Ean13, I2to5, change height, colors, width
bcWebCam Read Barcode with Web Cam by: QS QualitySoft GmbH

bcWebCam read barcodes with your web cam and copies the data into input fields.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 394
Size: 3394 K
Date: 2009-04-01
Keywords: qr code, product nummer, product barcode, barcode, bar code, bcwebcam, camera, decodieren, dekodieren, EAN, EAN8, EAN13, recognition, web cam
Barcode Generator 1.0 by: Barcode Generator Software

Create high-quality barcode images with Barcode Geneator
License: Commercial, Price: $29.00 US
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Downloads: 390
Size: 318 K
Date: 2008-03-09
Keywords: barcode, barcode maker, barcode generator, barcode generation, barcoding, barcode label, bar code, Code 128, Code 39, Code 93, EAN 8, EAN13, GS1 128, Industrial 2 Of 5, Interleaved 2 Of 5, ISBN, ITF 14, MSI, Pharmacode, Plessey, Telepen, UPC
Eym Barcode Reader OCX 2.4 by: Eric Metois

Integrate 1D barcode recognition within your software using this ActiveX control
License: Shareware, Price: $190.00 US
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Downloads: 315
Size: 5310 K
Date: 2007-07-01
Keywords: barcode, barcode recognition, read barcode, image processing, activeX, SDK, OCX, EAN13, EAN8, Code39, Code93, Code128, COM, interleaved 2of5, UPC, UCC128, EAN128, data capture
BarcodeReader-ActiveX 1.9 by: RKD Software

Use BarcodeReader-ActiveX for recognizing barcodes from images or data streams
License: Shareware, Price: $99.00 US
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Downloads: 285
Size: 3313 K
Date: 2007-05-17
Keywords: barcode, reading, activex, ocx, controlsoftware, steuerelement, printing, bar, code, ean, ean13, ean8, UPC-A, UPC-E, code128, ean128, interleaved 2 of 5, codabar, internet, datamatrix, code39, code93, msi, upc, upca, upce, codabar, msi, ean2, ean5, word, excel, office, delphi, IIS
Barcode Alpha for Windows 1.1 by: Programbl.net

Powerful, easy-to-use labeling software with WYSIWYG interface. 30-day trial.
License: Shareware, Price: $82.00 US
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Downloads: 307
Size: 11596 K
Date: 2006-11-06
Keywords: barcode, bar code, labeling software, bookland, code39, code93, code128a, code128b, code128c, codebar, codabar, ean8, ean13, ean14, interleaved2of5, i2of5, upca, upce