GcMail by: GcMail Monika Verse

GcMail is a very flexible Mailclient.
License: Commercial, Price: $19.95 US
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Downloads: 468
Size: 27227 K
Date: 2012-11-17
Keywords: GcMail, englische Version, USB-Stick, Sicherheit, Mailclient, Shareware, Webbugs, Nachricht, Nachrichten, smtp, pop3, Signatur, Mailprogramm, Mail, eMail, eMailclient, eMailprogramm, Verwaltung, Anhang, Mailanhang, sicher, Account, Konto, Konten, Mailkonten, MultiAccou
Z-DATdump 5.3 by: IMU Hard- und Softwareservice

Z-DATdump - Daten einfach und schnell auf Band / Tape archivieren!
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 444
Size: 8166 K
Date: 2012-04-19
Keywords: Backup, Tape Backup, Datensicherung, Archivierung, Streamer, Bandlaufwerk, Bandsicherung, Tape, Sicherung auf Band
RealTimeBackup 2.00.225 by: GBelectronics

Data backup in nearly real time! RealTimeBackup means: start up and forget it.
License: Shareware, Price: $15.95 US
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Downloads: 282
Size: 17794 K
Date: 2008-03-25
Keywords: Datensicherung, Backup, Tool, Sicherung, Echtzeit, RealTime, Mirror, Zeitplan, schedule
NetDino 2.01 by: Neon Programming

First real child-safe Internet browser for your child. Fullscreen,Program block.
License: Commercial, Price: $34.00 US
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Downloads: 600
Size: 4369 K
Date: 2008-02-20
Keywords: Software, Kind, Teens, Jugendlich, lernen, Schule, Download, Spiele, Games, math, Mathe, german, english, deutsch, sicher, setup, Einstellungen, Internet, Browser, surfing, Mathematik, Wissen, Hilfe, Fun, kid safe internet, kids browser, children, Safe, protect, Web, filtering
CookieCooker 2.03 by: CookieCooker GBR

protects against Spam and snooping on your internet habits and interests.
License: Shareware, Price: $15.00 US
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Downloads: 462
Size: 1433 K
Date: 2005-12-10
Keywords: cookie, werbung, ads, avertisement, sicherheit, anonymität, anonymity, privacy, spurenvernichter, spuren, filter, identität, profil, account, banner, datenschutz, spam, wegwerf, trashmail, call
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